For a lot of people, Memorial Day is a great way to celebrate the kick off summer at cookouts with friends and family and it can be easy to forget that Memorial Day was established to honor those who have died in American wars.
If you’re looking for ways to celebrate Memorial Day before gathering with your friends and family, here are some suggestions:
Military Heroes Garden of Flags on the Boston Common
Every year, in front of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument on Boston Common, the MA Military Heroes organization creates a garden of 37,000+ flags. The purpose of these flags is to pay tribute to the Massachusetts service members who have given their lives in defense of the US.
The Flag Garden will be displayed from May 26 – May 30 this year.
Memorial Day 2022 Flag Placement
On Saturday, May 28th from 10am – 1pm at the VA National Cemetery, there will be a placement of 77,000 flags in honor of those who have served. For more information, visit this page.
Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremonies
Barnstable – May 30th at 12pm
Bourne – May 30th at 9am
Sandwich – May 30th at 10am
Parades on May 30th
Halifax – Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony
Plympton Memorial Day Parade
Attleboro’s Memorial Day Parade
Memorial Day Parade Fairhaven