Missed the Answer to Today’s Not So Easy Impossible Question? Here’s Your Answer!

October 10, 2024

Question: Most people consider this a priority but they don’t do it. What is it?

Answer: Eat Breakfast!

October 9, 2024

Question: 56% of people will not date someone who isn’t good at this. What is it?

Answer: Driving!

October 8, 2024

Question: About 10% of people have a fear of these. What are they?

Answer: Clowns!

October 7, 2024

Question: 37% of people actually believe this is possible. What is it?

Answer: Time Travel!

October 4, 2024

Question: Almost 50% of us say we have no idea how to do THIS on our car. What is it?

Answer: Change the Windshield Wipers!

October 2, 2024

Question: 32% of people say they’d like to visit THIS faraway place. Where is it?

Answer: The Moon!

October 1, 2024

Question: 25% of people have bought this on a whim. What is it?

Answer: A Car!

September 30, 2024

Question: 34% of Americans argue about this household chore. What is it?

Answer: Loading the Dishwasher!

September 27, 2024

Question: The average American will look at ten of these before actually buying one. What is it?

Answer: Houses!

September 26, 2024

Question: Almost one in four of us never use this. What is it?

Answer: Deodorant!

September 25, 2024

Question: This the 2nd thing people say they would do if they won the lottery. What is it?

Answer: Get a Divorce

September 24, 2024

Question: According to a survey, this is the biggest gripe people have about their job. What is it?

Answer: Salary!

September 23, 2024

Question: Around 37% of us add THIS to our coffee in the morning. What is it?

Answer: Alcohol!

September 20, 2024

Question: In a burger survey, cheese was named the most popular topping, but one topping made BOTH the most loved and most hated lists. What is it?

Answer: Pickles!

September 19, 2024

Question: 21% of people like this food as an adult, but not as a child. What is it?

Answer: Spinach!

September 18, 2024

Question: 21% of us do this regularly with our pet. What is it?

Answer: Watch TV!

September 17, 2024

Question: This is the most commonly forgotten item when packing. What is it?

Answer: Toothbrush!

September 16, 2024

Question: A latest survey revealed that fewer people are looking forward to THIS this fall. What is it?

Answer: Pumpkin Spice!

September 13, 2024

Question: Experts say that seeing this form of entertainment is really good for your brain. What is it?

Answer: Game Shows!

September 12, 2024

Question: Almost 60% of people in a recent survey said they would like to eat THIS every day. What is it?

Answer: Bacon!

September 11, 2024

Question: The First Vending Machines In The US Dispensed THIS. What is it?

Answer: Gum!

September 10, 2024

Question: The average parent spends $400 a year on this. What is it?

Answer: Birthdays!

September 9, 2024

Question: Only 1% of THIS food that’s sold in the US will actually be eaten. What is it?

Answer: Pumpkin!

September 6, 2024

Question: 25% of people using dating apps have lied about this in their dating profile. What is it?

Answer: Their Height!

September 5, 2024

Question: In a survey, 16 was found to be the average age when people tried THIS for the first time? What is it?

Answer: A Cup of Coffee

September 4, 2024

Question: The most common recurring dreams include: #1 – falling and #2 – being chased. What is #3?

Answer: Being Back in School!

September 3, 2024

Question: Seven in ten adults haven’t had a new one of these in the last five years. What is it?

Answer: A Friend!

August 30, 2024

Question: 42% of people say they are lucky they have never had one of these. What is it?

Answer: A Speeding Ticket!

August 29, 2024

Question: 48% of adults had one of these as a kid and 20% say they still have it. What is it?

Answer: A Nickname!

August 28, 2024

Question: Most of us have one of these, but 3.5% of us have two. What is it?

Answer: Middle Name!

August 27, 2024

Question: 20% of people have THIS on them at all times. What is it?

Answer: Gum!

August 26, 2024

Question: 92% of us look for this while shopping for food. What is it?

Answer: The Expiration Date!

August 23, 2024

Question: 26% of people polled said if this happens to them in the morning, they know they are in for a bad day. What is it?

Answer: If they Lose their Keys!

August 22, 2024

Question: 56% of dog owners allow their dogs to do THIS, it’s something one of my cats does too. What is it?

Answer: Lick their Owner’s Face!

August 21, 2024

Question: In the mid 1990’s, 50% of American adults did this every day. Today, 64% of adults do this daily. Do what?

Answer: Drink coffee!

August 20, 2024

Question: 1 in every 8 of us have worked here. Where is it?

Answer: McDonald’s

August 19, 2024

Question: 1 out of 3 people would choose this as their last meal. What is it?

Answer: Fried chicken!

August 16, 2024

Question: Men spend about 42 minutes more doing this each week than women do. What is it?

Answer: Eating!

August 15, 2024

Question: This is something the average guy doesn’t learn until the age of 24. What is it?

Answer: Use the Washer / Do Laundry

August 14, 2024

Question: Fewer people are looking forward to THIS this Fall. What is it?

Answer: Pumpkin Spice!

August 13, 2024

Question: The average American hasn’t done this activity in almost nine years. What is it?

Answer: Ride a Bike!

August 9, 2024

Question: 30% of Men say they have met their significant other here! Where is here?

Answer: Work!

August 8, 2024

Question: New research shows that this common workplace minor injury is now very rare. What is it?

Answer: Paper Cut!

August 7, 2024

Question: Seniors have more of these than any other age group. What is it?

Answer: Friends!

August 6, 2024

Question: 62% of people are overwhelmed with managing these. What are they?

Answer: Passwords!

August 5, 2024

Question: Survey shows that people who do this daily domestic task have more friends than people who don’t. What is it?

Answer: Make their Bed!

August 2, 2024

Question: A study shows that this is usually eaten between 9pm and 11pm. What is it?

Answer: Ice Cream!

August 1, 2024

Question: Nearly 70% of people say THIS makes their job in the office better. What is it?

Answer: Music!

July 31, 2024

Question: 63% of us say we forget this almost every day. What is it?

Answer: The Date or the Day!

July 30, 2024

Question: People lose this more on a Monday than any other day. What is it?

Answer: Their Keys!

July 29, 2024

Question: A new report on the “Happiest Industries” revealed that the least happy workers are in retail, but the happiest industry to work in is THIS. What is it?

Answer: Construction!

July 26, 2024

Question: On average, we all say this phrase out loud three times a day. What is it?

Answer: “I’m tired.”

July 25, 2024

Question: A new survey found that 4% of people have never heard of this. What is it?

Answer: Netflix!

July 24, 2024

Question: The number one food people are allergic to is what?

Answer: Milk/Dairy!

July 23, 2024

Question: Typically, women worry and stress about this at night, while men worry and stress about it in the morning. What is it?

Answer: Money!

July 19, 2024

Question: 5% of us have this item in our homes but never use it. What is it?

Answer: A Dishwasher!

July 18, 2024

Question: In Ireland, there are more of THESE than people. Same in Sweden and Finland. What are they?

Answer: Cell Phones!

July 17, 2024

Question: 35% of Americans don’t know this basic fact about themselves. What is it?

Answer: Their Blood Type!

July 16, 2024

Question: 8% of people have slept here when relatives came to visit. Where is it?

Answer: In a Tent in the Backyard!

July 15, 2024

Question: According to Yelp, searches for this flavor of snacks rose 55% last year. What is it?

Answer: Pickle-Flavored!

July 12, 2024

Question: Surprisingly, astronauts are able to do this from space. What is it?

Answer: Vote!

July 11, 2024

Question: 36% of people with a full-time job have one of these. What is it?

Answer: A Side Hustle

July 10, 2024

Question: A survey showed that 37% of women and 17% of men who don’t have any of THESE secretly wish they did. What are they?

Answer: Piercings!

July 9, 2024

Question: A new survey finds that most men own one of these, but 28% of them never use it. What is it?

Answer: A Suit!

July 8, 2024

Question: Rather than looking at a specific products, a new poll asked if we’ve ever regretted buying certain categories of items. The top category people regret buying is this. What is it?

Answer: Clothes!

June 28, 2024

Question: Getting one of these after 80 will lead to a longer life. What is it?

Answer: Getting a Job!

June 27, 2024

Question: Over your lifetime, you will lose almost a thousand of THESE. What are they?

Answer: Socks!

June 25, 2024

Question: 11% of people have worked here. Where is here?

Answer: Convenience Store!

June 24, 2024

Question: About a third of us have this board game and it’s almost always in the closet. What is it?

Answer: Scrabble!

June 21, 2024

Question: More than 3 in 10 people wish they had the courage to get rid of this in their home. What is it?

Answer: Their TV!

June 20, 2024

Question: 60% of women have dumped a guy because he did too much of this. What is it?

Answer: Complaining!

June 19, 2024

Question: 39% of people worldwide actively avoid THIS because it’s too stressful. That’s up from 29% in 2017. What is it?

Answer: The News!

June 18, 2024

Question: 57% of us say we like to grill this in the summertime. What is it?

Answer: Hot Dogs

June 17, 2024

Question: 17% of people have not done this physical activity since high school. What is it?

Answer: Run!

June 14, 2024

Question: 66% of men keep this from their childhood. What is it?

Answer: Baseball Glove!

June 13, 2024

Question: Corn on the cob is the 10th most popular “American dish.” What is our favorite American dish?

Answer: Mashed Potatoes!

June 12, 2024

Question: The average person will turn THIS on and off four times a day. What is it?

Answer: Their Car!

June 10, 2024

Question: The longest-ever game of THIS lasted 70 days straight. The shortest, 21 seconds. What is it?

Answer: A Monopoly Game

June 7, 2024

Question: 79% of Americans say they can’t find a good and trustworthy one of these. What is it?

Answer: A Mechanic

June 6, 2024

Question: In 1994, about 61 million people were using THESE. Now, only about 2 million use them. What are they?

Answer: Pagers.

June 5, 2024

Question: 10% of us have gone here with an ex. Where is it?

Answer: A Wedding!

June 4, 2024

Question: According to a new survey, this is the top thing you have to do before you go on vacation. What is it?

Answer: Clean the House

June 3, 2024

Question: This is the #1 thing parents say no to in summer. What is it?

Answer: “Can I stay up late?”

May 31, 2024

Question: A survey asked “What Is The Hardest Driving Maneuver?”, and the #1 answer was parallel parking. What was #2?

Answer: Backing into a Parking Spot!

May 30, 2024

Question: 4% of people buy one of these every day, but 31% NEVER do. What are they?

 Answer: Lottery Tickets!

May 29, 2024

Question: A new study in Japan found that watching THIS boosts our mental health and generally makes us happier. What is it?

Answer: Sports!

May 28, 2024

Question: 66% of people say eating THIS makes them feel better when they are feeling down. What is it?

Answer: Pizza!

May 24, 2024

Question: Almost 40% of people agree that these instantly make someone more attractive. What are they?

Answer: Sunglasses!

May 23, 2024

Question: On this day New York City removed these in Midtown Manhattan? What are they?

Answer: Pay Phones!

May 22, 2024

Question: 90% of this year’s college freshmen have never used one of THESE machines. What are they?

Answer: Typewriters!

May 21, 2024

Question: Over the last two decades Americans have consumed 25% less of this. What is it?

Answer: Milk!

May 20, 2024

Question: This fruit typically travels nearly 4000 miles before being eaten. What is it?

Answer: a Banana!

May 17, 2024

Question: The average adult does this activity 12 times a year. What is it?

Answer: Swim!

May 16, 2024

Question: 30% of moms end up always doing this chore because their husband or kids claim they don’t have the skills. What is it?

Answer: Ironing!

May 15, 2024

Question: More than half of the women in a marriage do this task. What is it?

Answer: Pay the Bills!

May 14, 2024

Question: The average American ignores THIS for four months. What is it?

Answer: Check Engine Light!

May 13, 2024

Question: Those over 40 will discard 50% or more of these they receive this month, compared to those under 40. What are they?

Answer: Emails!

May 10, 2024

Question: This is the worst food to keep as a leftover. What is it?

Answer: Eggs!

May 9, 2024

Question: This is the #1 little thing that make us happy. What is it?

Answer: A Hug!

May 8, 2024

Question: This is the #1 salad topping. What is it?

Answer: Cheese!

May 7, 2024

Question: 3/4 of us have one of these in our house, but about half of them don’t work. What are they?

Answer: Flashlights

May 6, 2024

Question: 91% of adults say they don’t have to agree on everything to enjoy THIS together. What is it?

Answer: A Meal!

May 3, 2024

Question: 60% of us have confronted a thief who has stolen this! What is it?

Answer: Food!

May 2, 2024

Question: 70% of women craved these when pregnant. What are they?

Answer: Nachos!

May 1, 2024

Question: 17% of all restaurants in The United States serve this. What is it?

Answer: Pizza!

April 30, 2024

Question: In a survey, 52% of people said they have lost THIS at work. What is it?

Answer: Their Temper!

April 29, 2024

Question: The average person will eat 35,000 of these in a lifetime. What are they?

Answer: Cookies!

April 26, 2024

Question: The average age for a person to learn to do this is 8 years old. What is it?

Answer: Swim!

April 25, 2024

Question: 72% of Americans wear this at least once a week. What are they?

Answer: Jeans.

April 24, 2024

Question: 4% of people have never had this common aliment. What is it?

Answer: A Headache!

April 23, 2024

Question: Americans throw away up to $68 MILLION worth of THESE every year. What are they?

Answer: Coins!

April 22, 2024

Question: According to a poll of 5000, over a third of us do not do this daily. What is it?

Answer: Shower or Bathe

April 19, 2024

Question: Women read and study this 45% longer than men. What is it?

Answer: A Restaurant Menu!

April 18, 2024

Question: 28% of people will stop at one of  these in the next month. What are they?

Answer: A Yard/Garage Sale!

April 17, 2024

Question: On average, we eat 36% more calories than normal when we visit THIS place? Where is it?

Answer: A Movie Theater!

April 16, 2024

Question: Couples who do this together live longer. What is it?

Answer: Drink!

April 15, 2024

Question: More than 10% of us say this is the best food invented ever. What is it?

Answer: Chocolate!

April 11, 2024

Question: 41% of people own two of these. What is it?

Answer: A Phone!

April 10, 2024

Question: 91% of adults say they don’t have to agree on everything to enjoy THIS together. What is it?

Answer: A Meal!

April 9, 2024

Question: 25% of us say we have tried at least 15 of these in our lifetime. What are they?

Answer: Diets!

April 8, 2024

Question: In the mid 1990’s, 50% of American adults consumed this every day. Today, 64% of adults consume this daily.  What is it?

Answer: Coffee!

April 5, 2024

Question: 72% of Americans wear THIS at least once a week. What is it?

Answer:  Jeans

April 4, 2024

Question: Three out of ten people say they sometimes do this to avoid losing in the game Monopoly.  What is it?

Answer: Quit!

April 3, 2024

Question: 22% of people on spring break have had to buy THIS while on vacation. What is it?

Answer:  Underwear!

April 2, 2024

Question: One out of every nine Americans have worked here. Where’s here?

Answer: At a Convenience Store!

April 1, 2024

Question: 46% of us think the Easter Bunny should give this out for easter. What is it?

Answer: Money!

March 29, 2024

Question: About half of us admit we’ve lied to a friend to get out of doing this. What is it? 

Answer: Helping Them Move!

March 28, 2024

Question: If you’re average, you’ll have 24.5 of these in your lifetime. What is it?

Answer:  Pets

March 27, 2024

Question: 40% of couples say they do this separately. What is it?

Answer: Laundry!

March 26, 2024

Question: Coffee is the #1 most recognizable smell, what is #2?

Answer: Peanut Butter!

March 25, 2024

Question: 39% of people say they take THIS with them wherever they go.  What is it?

 Answer:  Water

March 22, 2024

Question: The average American worker will spend 24 minutes a week doing this in the office. What is it?

Answer: Making Coffee!

March 21, 2024

Question: Most people like to eat this, but NEVER for breakfast. What is it?

Answer: Fish

March 20, 2024

Question: 58% of people are looking forward to doing this outside this spring. What is it ?

Answer: Mowing the Lawn!

March 19, 2024

Question: 12% of us still have this from elementary school. What is it?

Answer: A Friend!

March 18, 2024

Question: 64% of people do this right after vacation. What is it?

Answer: Call in Sick to Work!

March 15, 2024

Question: There are more than 40 of these in the average home. What are they?

Answer: Light Bulbs!

March 14, 2024

Question: 3/4 of us have at least one of THESE in the house, but about half of them don’t work. What are they?

Answer:  A Flashlight!

March 13, 2024

Question: 65% of people have never seen this. What is it?

Answer: Snow!

March 12, 2024

Question: 64% of managers will not hire you if you don’t do this. What is it?

Answer: Make Eye Contact!

March 11, 2024

Question: One in eight adults (12.5%) confess that they never allow themselves THIS during a busy day. What is it?

Answer: A Break.

March 8, 2024

Question: 38% of men have a lucky one of these. What is it?

Answer: A Shirt!

March 7, 2024

Question: The average person will do this 70,000 times in their lifetime. What is it?

Answer: Sneeze

March 6, 2024

Question: The average American eats 5 of these each month. What is it?

Answer: Burgers!

March 5, 2024

Question: Nearly one in five people have a favorite one of these. What is it?

Answer: A Pen!

March 4, 2024

Question: 80% of adults admit to having one of these as a child. What is it?

Answer: Imaginary Friend

March 1, 2024

Question: This is the number one topic that dog owners fight over. What is it?

Answer: Who Has to Take the Dog for a Walk

February 29, 2024

Question: 75% of Us Have Skipped an Event to Avoid Dealing with THIS. What is it?

Answer: Traffic

February 28, 2024

Question: 21% of people forget this at least once a week. What is it?

Answer: What day of the Week it is

February 27, 2024

Question: 27% of people plan to pass this down to their children. What is it?

Answer: A Family Recipe

February 26, 2024

Question: On average, people know seven of these by memory? 

Answer: Recipes.

February 23, 2024

Question: About 60% of women know how to do this male thing. What is it?

Answer: Tie a Necktie!

February 22, 2024

Question: 30% of pet owners have purchased one of these for their pet. What is it?

Answer: Stroller.

February 21, 2024

Question: If you’re turning 41 this year, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll start doing THIS every day. What is it?

Answer: Take Vitamins.

February 20, 2024

Question: The average person does this 22 times a day in the kitchen. What is it?

Answer: Open the Fridge Door

February 19, 2024

Question: More than half of workers polled said they wish their workplace would upgrade THIS.  What is it?

Answer:  The Coffee!

February 16, 2024

Question: On average a person gets 17 of these each year, usually in the summer. What are they?

Answer: Bug Bites!

February 15, 2024

Question: 21% of people would never do this in public?

Answer: Sing

February 13, 2024

Question: Around a third of dog owners do this for their dog every day. What is it?

Answer: Keep the Radio or TV On

February 12, 2024

Question: This is the top thing people stain their carpet with. What is it?

Answer: Red Wine!

February 9, 2024

Question: 28% of people say they would not get bored even if they didn’t have this. What is it?

Answer: Internet!

February 8, 2024

Question: 30% of people say this should not be worn at the gym. What is it?

Answer: Makeup!

February 7, 2024

Question: 29% of men have never done this home chore. What is it?  

Answer: Cleaned the Toilet! 

February 6, 2024

Question: They say the average person only uses this once a month. What is it?

Answer: Cash!

February 5, 2024

Question: 45% of people say you should wait till 25 to get one of these. What is it?

Answer: Credit Card.

February 2, 2024

Question: 17% of people have stolen this from work. What is it?

Answer: Toilet Paper!

February 1, 2024

Question: 27% of people say they eat this every single day. What is it?

Answer: Candy!

January 31, 2024

Question: 26% of people drink this with breakfast. What is it?

Answer: Wine!?!

January 30, 2024

Question: 28% of people use at least two of these every morning. What is it?

Answer: Alarm Clock!

January 29, 2024

Question: 56% of people say you should never do this on a flight. What is it?

Answer: Recline your Seat.

January 26, 2024

Question: 24% of people feel guilty if they don’t do this every day. What is it?

Answer: Make their Bed!

January 25, 2024

Question: More couples tend to do THIS in January than any other month of the year. What is it?

Answer: Break Up or Divorce.

January 24, 2024

Question: 3 out of 4 people wish they had enough money to hire someone to do this for them. What is it?

Answer: Clean for them.

January 23, 2024

Question: Over 40% of us have done this at work at least once when no one was looking. What is it?

Answer: Change the thermostat.

January 22, 2024

Question: 18% of people clean this less than once a year. What is it?

Answer: Freezer!

January 12, 2024

Question: 15% of Americans have made a resolution to do more of this activity in 2024. What is it?

Answer: Reading

January 11, 2024

Question: 85% of people cringe whenever they hear this. What is it?

Answer: Their own Voice.

January 10, 2024

Question: One in 5 employers has had a GenZ’er show up for an interview with this – what is it?

Answer:  A Parent!

January 9, 2024

Question: In a survey, THIS was named the most annoying thing people must deal with while driving. What is it?

Answer:  Potholes.

January 8, 2024

Question: This is the #1 food most likely to wreck your diet. What is it?

Answer: Pizza!

January 4, 2024

Question: This is happening to people 4 years sooner than it did in the 80s. What is it?

Answer: Turning Gray.

January 3, 2024

Question: Over 3/4 of households with this item use it less than once a year. What is it?

Answer: Pool table

January 2, 2024

Question: About 25% of us still have this left from last Christmas. What is it?

Answer: Credit card debt

December 29, 2023

Question: 10% of renters violate their lease by doing this. What is it?

Answer: Hiding or Having a Pet.

December 28, 2023

Question: The color of this says something about your personality. What is it?

Answer: Your Phone!

December 26, 2023

Question: Humans can survive longer without this than they can without sleep. What is it?

Answer: Food.

December 22, 2023

Question: About 68% of us will buy a Christmas gift for this person. Who is it?

Answer: For Ourselves!

December 21, 2023

Question: 35 % of people say this is the most stressful part of the holidays. What is it?

Answer: Coming Up with Gift Ideas!

December 20, 2023

Question: 10% of us do this on Christmas Eve. What is it?

Answer: Put Up a Christmas Tree!

December 19, 2023

Question: 13% of women don’t want to receive this as a gift for Christmas. What is it?

Answer: Candle.

December 14, 2023

Question: A new survey asked people “what ignites the most nostalgia during the holiday season,” and the #1 response was spending time with loved ones. What was the #2 answer?

Answer: Decorating the Christmas Tree.

December 13, 2023

Question: 68% of people say they have not received a job because of this. What is it?

Answer: A Social Media Post.

December 12, 2023

Question: A new study says that keeping one of these can make people feel more energized and alive. What is it?

Answer: A Secret.

December 11, 2023

Question: 18% of women have bought this for a man when they are at a loss at what to purchase. What is it?

Answer: Pajamas.

December 7, 2023

Question: The average woman checks this out over 15 times more in a year than men. What is it?

Answer: Horoscopes.

December 6, 2023

Question: 31% of kids are forced to learn this. What is it?

Answer: A Musical Instrument!

December 5, 2023

Question: On average, adults in this profession work 7 hours more per week than the average working adult. What is it?

Answer: Teachers.

December 4, 2023

Question: 24% of Americans polled said they still have this from last Christmas. What is it?

Answer: Debt from Last Year’s Spending.

December 1, 2023

Question: If you were between 1981 and 1996 you’re a millennial and 68% of you don’t own one of these. What is it?

Answer: A Toaster.

November 30, 2023

Question: 21% of Americans say it’s been 15 years since they bought one of these. What is it?

Answer: A CD!

November 29, 2023

Question: 16% of people admit to THIS pizza preference. What is it?

Answer: Eating it Cold.

November 28, 2023

Question: There are 91 colleges with the team nickname of this. What is it? 

Answer: Eagles.

November 27, 2023

Question: The Average woman has $250 worth of THIS that never gets used. What is it? 

Answer: Jewelry.

November 21, 2023

Question: People say they say this more often during the Holidays. What is it? 

Answer: Thank You.

November 20, 2023

Question: If you’re average, you plan to get 8 of these this holiday season. What are they?

Answer: Pounds.

November 17, 2023

Question: 93% of us buy this every month. What is it?

Answer: A Pizza.

November 16, 2023

Question: If there were 25 hours a day, 25% of people surveyed said they would use that extra hour to do THIS. What is it?

Answer: Exercise.

November 15, 2023

Question: In a new poll, men were asked which appliance is the most confusing. This was the #1 answer.

Answer: The Washing Machine!

November 14, 2023

Question: The most used word, in normal conversation, in the English language is this. What is it?

Answer: “I”.

November 13, 2023

Question: You spend more than 11 days a year doing this. What is it?

Answer: Stuck in Traffic / Commute.

November 10, 2023

Question: Nearly 1 in 10 people between the ages of 20-40 are afraid to do this. What is it?

Answer: Talk on the Phone!

November 9, 2023

Question: In a Men’s Health survey, 15% of guys say they actually enjoy watching this. What is it?

Answer: A Soap Opera.

November 8, 2023

Question: Only 18% of people who live alone say they do THIS “every day.” What is it?

Answer: Cook.

November 7, 2023

Question: 2% of people polled said they do THIS in the morning out of habit. What is it?

Answer: Hit the Snooze Button!

November 6, 2023

Question: A new study of American households has found that the average man can do this thing, while only 10% of women can. What is it?

Answer: Whistle.

November 3, 2023

Question: 93% of Americans always have at least one box/bag of THIS in the house. What is it?

Answer: Pasta.

November 2, 2023

Question: The average parent does this at least twice a week looking for guidance. What is it?

Answer: Call their Parents.

November 1, 2023

Question: 45% of people agree you should wait until age 25 to do get this. What is it?

Answer: Get a Credit Card.

October 31, 2023

Question: 93% of dog owners are convinced their dog can do this. What is it?

Answer: Smile!

October 30, 2023

Question: 93% of people can identify the smell of this food in just one second. What is it?

Answer: Peanut Butter!

October 27, 2023

Question: 24% of us do this while eating dinner at home. What is it?

Answer: Watch TV.

October 26, 2023

Question: On average we all have six pounds of these in our homes.  What are they?

Answer: Pennies.

October 25, 2023

Question: 27% of women wish their man would do this household chore. What is it?

Answer: Vacuuming.

October 12, 2023

Question: The average person will say this about five times in a day.  What is it?

Answer: Thank You!

October 11, 2023

Question: Men are more likely to not pack enough of THIS on vacation. What is it?

Answer: Underwear.

October 10, 2023

Question: Spiders and enclosed spaces are in the top 3 phobias. What is #1 for most people?

Answer: Heights.

October 9, 2023

Question: This is the number one food or beverage we are allergic to. What is it?

Answer: Milk!

October 6, 2023

Question: Over half of women refuse to get rid of THIS, even though they won’t use it again. What is it?

Answer: Their Wedding Dress.

October 5, 2023

Question: A survey found the average family sends over 10,000 texts to each other in a year. What’s the #1 thing they are texting about?

Answer: Dinner Plans!

October 4, 2023

Question: On average, adults in this profession work 53 hours a week, 7 hours more than the average working adult. What is the profession?

Answer: Teachers!

October 3, 2023

Question: Only 19% of people would be willing to buy a used one of THESE. What is it?

Answer: A Hat.

October 2, 2023

Question: About 75% of people in the world will be doing this at 4:00 this afternoon. What is it?

Answer: Sleeping.

September 29, 2023

Question: In a recent survey, nearly 20% of people say they only wash this once a year. What is it?

Answer: Jeans.

September 28,2023

Question: According to a new survey, the average American budgets $2,743 for THIS every year. What is it?

Answer: Vacation!

September 27, 2023

Question: 50% of people do this more with their dog than with their partner. What is it?

Answer: Take Pictures / Selfies.

September 26, 2023

Question: One in 4 women admit they have cried HERE. Where?

Answer: A Salon.

September 25, 2023

Question: A new study says THIS is the most important factor to having a fulfilled life. What is it?

Answer: Having a Job You Like.

September 22, 2023

Question: Three out of 10 people say they would go into debt to buy this. What is this?

Answer: Concert Tickets!

September 21, 2023

Question: 17% of women say this is a sure sign of insecurity in men. What is it?

Answer: Driving a Sports Car.

September 20, 2023

Question: 75% of households that have one of these, but never use it. What is it?

Answer: A Pool Table.

September 19, 2023

Question: Married couples fight after going to this about 45% of the time. What is it?

Answer: A Party.

September 18, 2023

Question: Each year, Americans throw out enough of THESE to reach to the moon and back—twenty times? What are they?

Answer: Soda Cans / Bottles.

September 15, 2023

Question: According to a survey, THIS is the #1 thing in our home that we have too many of? What is it?

Answer: Clothes Hangers.

September 14, 2023

Question: Most of us eat 200 of these a year. What are they?

Answer: Cookies.

September 13, 2023

Question: Close to 96% of us have a bottle of this. What is it?

Answer: Ketchup.

September 12, 2023

Question: You’ll find six of these in the average kitchen. What is it?

Answer: Refrigerator Magnets.

September 11, 2023

Question: Almost 80% of women agree: Men over 30 should not wear THIS. What is it?

Answer: An Earring.

September 8, 2023

Question: 8% of American adults are afraid of this. What is it?

Answer: The Dark!

September 7, 2023

Question: Surprisingly, 8% of Americans would like to spend more time doing this. What is this?

Answer: On their screens (phones, tv)

September 1, 2023

Question:  In a new survey, 32% of Americans say they have done THIS to improve their personal appearance. What is it?

Answer: Get a Tattoo!

August 31, 2023

Question: 5% of Americans took more than 20 of these last year. What are they?

Answer: Sick Days!

August 30, 2023

Question: In a new poll, 43% of parents say they have “no idea” how people raised kids before everyone had one of these. What is it?

Answer: Smartphone.

August 29, 2023

Question: 36% of people under 35 say this is outdated and should be canceled. What is it?

Answer: Marriage.

August 28, 2023

Question: 25% of adults say they are intimated by this room in their house. What is it?

Answer: The Kitchen!

August 25, 2023

Question: 7 out of 10 of us would rather give up THIS than our phones. What is it?

Answer: Coffee.

August 24, 2023

Question:  There is 50% more complaining by women on Mondays about this. What is it?

Answer: Their Man.

August 23, 2023

Question: 24 % regret having done this. What is it?

Answer: Getting a tattoo.

August 22, 2023

Question: When asked to pick a family member as your best friend, the most mentioned person was one’s significant other. Who was the second most mentioned?

Answer: Pet.

August 21, 2023

Question: 49% of couples get this before getting married. What is it?

Answer: Get a Pet!

August 18, 2023

Question: People who consume this at night cut their risk of an early death by 25% What is it?

Answer: Drink a glass of wine

August 17, 2023

Question: A survey finds 90% of kids learn how to do this before the age of four. What is it?

Answer: Tell a Lie!

August 16, 2023

Question: Stats show that THIS food is eaten outside of the home 80% of the time. What is it?

Answer: French Fries.

August 15, 2023

Question: 72% of Americans live within an hour of this. What is it?

Answer: Their Parents.

August 14, 2023

Question: In a survey, adults were asked about their childhood dream job and THIS career came in at #1. What is it?

Answer: Teacher!

August 11, 2023

Question: People are most likely to go visit one of these between 8am and 12pm. What is it?

Answer: A Drive-Thru.

August 10, 2023

Question: This is banned in 1 in 5 schools, but legal in all 50 states. What is it?

Answer: Peanuts / Peanut Butter.

August 9, 2023

Question: According to a recent survey, adults say this is the worst thing about being outside in the Summer. What is it?

Answer: Sweating!

August 8, 2023

Question: In a recent burger survey, cheese was named the most popular topping. One topping made the most loved and most hated lists. What is it?

Answer: Pickles!

August 7, 2023

Question:  In a poll, nearly 30% of people admitted they eat THIS every day – and they’re not ashamed to admit it. What is it?

Answer: Candy!

August 4, 2023

Question: You eat this every day, but eating .001% of your body weight of it will kill you. What is it?

Answer: Salt!

August 3, 2023

Question: A new survey found that 61% of us are more afraid of THIS happening in our old age than we are of dying itself. What is it?

Answer: Running out of money

August 2, 2023

Question: 53% of women and about one-third of men always take this with them when they travel. What is it?

Answer: Their Own Pillows!

July 31, 2023

Question: Of the people who use these, two-thirds of them are women. What are they?

Answer: Contact Lenses!

July 28, 2023

Question: 30% of us do this chore at home, 65% do it somewhere else, and 5% don’t do it at all. What chore is it?

Answer: Wash our Car!

July 27, 2023

Question: 25% of people admit they’re intimidated by this task. What is it?

Answer: Cooking!

July 26, 2023

Question: Nearly 40% of parents say they are not planning to spend money on THIS this year. What is it?

Answer: School Supplies.

July 25, 2023

Question: According to a recent survey, 35% of people could see themselves giving up owning THIS by 2030. What is it?

Answer: A Vehicle!

July 24, 2023

Question: 32% of Americans say this is the worst thing about summer! What is it?

Answer: Bugs/Mosquitos.

July 21, 2023

Question: Only 6% of THIS made around the world is used for food.  Most of it goes to manufacturing and industrial processes. What is it?

Answer: Salt!

July 20, 2023

Question: 20% of singles say they are looking for someone who is passionate about THIS. What is it?

Answer: Food!

July 19, 2023

Question: This is is the item most overlooked when taking a trip, what is it?

Answer: Toothbrush!

July 18, 2023

Question: 57% of women who planned to be married next year want their partner to do this. What is it?

Answer: Ask their Dad for Permission.

July 17, 2023

Question: Experts say doing this for at least 60 minutes a day is good for your mental health. What is it?

Answer: Listening to music!

July 14, 2023

Question: The most popular food item purchased at the grocery store for a barbecue is this. What is it?

Answer: Hot Dog Buns.

July 13, 2023

Question: 17% of people at a backyard Barbecue will bring this. What is it?

Answer: Their Own Chair.

July 12, 2023

Question: According to a ROKU survey, people said they get frustrated by their partner’s TV habits. What is the the top frustration?

Answer:  The volume. Too loud, or too quiet

July 11, 2023

Question: 3% of us consumed THIS at lunch today. What is it?

Answer: Alcohol!

July 10, 2023

Question: One in three adults say they want to exercise but this is the reason they don’t. What is the reason?

Answer: They’re too tired!

July 7, 2023

Question: The #1 subject we dream about is falling. What is a close #2?

Answer: Being Chased! 

July 6, 2023

Question: 39% of millennials get anxiety over this every day task. What is it?

Answer: Going to Work!

June 28, 2023

Question: 26% of adults favor Oreo cookies to any other store-bought cookie. The Runner up was this, what is it?

Answer: Fig Newton.

June 26, 2023

Question: Although they may need to learn how to do this at some point, 32% of adults have no idea how to do this. What is it?

Answer: Change a diaper.

June 23, 2023

Question: More than 60% of people polled would like to see THIS make a comeback. What is THIS?

Answer: Malls.

June 22, 2023

Question: People who do this regularly live 23% longer on average than those that don’t. What is it?

Answer: Read!

June 21, 2023

Question: 82% of us admit to snooping through this, what is it?

Answer: Devices/Phones.

June 20, 2023

Question: 15% of people say they wish they had this talent. What talent is it?

Answer: Dance!

June 19, 2023

Question: The average person spends 34 minutes on Monday doing this. What is it?

Answer: Complaining!

June 16, 2023

Question: A study found that nearly half of us dream about this. What is it?

Answer: Food!

June 15, 2023

Question: It can be embarrassing to be caught doing this, but 76% of people say they do this in the car every day. What is it?

Answer: Sing!

June 14, 2023

Question: According to a poll, seniors actually have More of THESE than any other age group? What are they?

Answer: Friends!

June 13, 2023

Question: 7 out of 10 millennials would rather give up THIS than their phones. What is it?

Answer: Coffee!

June 12, 2023

Question: Over your lifetime you’ll have 155 of these.  What is it?

Answer: Toothbrush.

June 9, 2023

Question: Over 90% of U.S. households have this sweet treat in their home right now? What is this?

Answer: Ice Cream!

June 8, 2023

Question: 6 out of 10 people have taken a break from THIS app in the past year. What is it?

Answer: Twitter.

June 7, 2023

Question: Four in ten people will do this every night in bed, at least twice. What is it?

Answer: Flip the pillow to the cool side.

June 6, 2023

Question: According to a survey, THIS summer smell makes us more relaxed and happy. What is it?

Answer: Fresh-cut grass!

June 5, 2023

Question: Americans eat 30% more of these when they’re drunk. What are they?

Answer: Nachos.

June 2, 2023

Question: 16% of people who have shoplifted from a grocery store have taken this. What is it?

Answer: Meat.

June 1, 2023

Question: 26% of teenagers have never done this activity. What is it?

Answer: Riding a Bicycle.

May 31, 2023

Question: In a new survey, 75% of people say they prefer enjoy THIS at home. What is it?

Answer: Drink Wine!

May 30, 2023

Question: 818 of these are consumed every second between Memorial Day and Labor Day. What is it?

Answer: Hotdogs.

May 26, 2023

Question: In a poll, nearly 30% of people admitted they eat THIS every day – and they’re not ashamed to admit it. What is it?

Answer: Candy!

May 25, 2023

Question: Most woman keep the same one of these for 12 years. What is it?

Answer: Hair Stylist!

May 24, 2023

Question: A survey found the best time for you to start doing this is at age 45 years, 9 months. What is it?

Answer: Start Your Own Business.

May 23, 2023

Question: 42% of people are going to the internet for this instead of seeking professional advice.

Answer: Legal advice.

May 22, 2023

Question: In the last 40 years, the number of people with this job has dropped 99%. What is it?

Answer: Telephone Operator.

May 19, 2023

Question: Just over half of Americans have not done this in over a year, even though they probably should What is it?

Answer: Taken a Vacation!

May 18, 2023

Question: It’s more expensive to get this in Detroit than any other place in the country. What is THIS?

Answer: Auto Insurance.

May 17, 2023

Question: This snack food is so universally popular that 93% of people worldwide like it. What is it?

Answer: Popcorn!

May 16, 2023

Question: Most of us spend a minimum of 15.23 on just one of these. What is it?

Answer: A Bottle of Wine!

May 15, 2023

Question: 36% of couples never share this. What is it?

Answer: Food!

May 12, 2023

Question: A quarter of Americans say they talk about this at least once a day. What is it?

Answer: The Weather!

May 11, 2023

Question: 16% of us now claim that we have seen this. What is it?

Answer: An alien!

May 10, 2023

Question: It’s definitely not a good idea, yet nearly 30% of people still use this at home. What is it?

Answer: The Default Password on their Router.

May 9, 2023

Question: 16% of kids under 25 have never had one of these. What are they?

Answer: Vitamins.

May 8, 2023

Question: About a third of us do this at least once a week even though it’s illegal and we don’t feel bad about it at all. What is it?

Answer: Running a Red Light!

May 5, 2023

Question: Only one in five of us who work have one of these. What is it?

Answer: A Business Card!

May 4, 2023

Question: The average American household now has three of these.

Answer: Streaming Services.

May 3, 2023

Question: If you do this, you’ll spend an average of about $165,000 on it in your lifetime. What is it?

Answer: Smoke!

May 2, 2023

Question: 57% of us have not changed or updated this in over three years. What is it?

Answer: Our Voicemail Greeting.

May 1, 2023

Question: A recent survey reveals the average person does this about 16 times a day. What is it?

Answer: Swears.

April 28, 2023

Question: A study says doing this for at least 60 minutes a day is good for your mental health. What is it?

Answer: Listen to Music.

April 27, 2023

Question: 7% of you say you haven’t been gone here in over ten years. Where is it?

Answer: The Dentist.

April 26, 2023

Question: 30% of us have never been to one of these.

Answer: A Drive-In Movie Theater.

April 25, 2023

Question: The color of this says something about your personality. What is it?

Answer: Your Phone.

April 24, 2023

Question: 29% of people say they would never even consider buying this used. What is it?

Answer: A Couch.

April 21, 2023

Question: 59% of people say they find THIS place stressful. What is it?

Answer: The Airport.

April 20, 2023

Question: 33% of people said they would give up this if it meant never feeling sick again. What is it?

Answer: Caffeine.

April 19, 2023

Question: Almost 4 in 10 women say this is more important than a man’s looks. What is it?

Answer: Education.

April 18, 2023

Question: 9 out of 10 people throw this away without using them. What is it?

Answer: Instructions.

April 17, 2023

Question: One in three women who do this never tell anyone. What is it?

Answer: Color their hair!

April 14, 2023

Question: Almost 15% of people think this food item should be kept in the fridge. What is it?

Answer: Peanut butter.

April 13, 2023

Question: The average person does this four times a year online. What is it?

Answer: Search or self-diagnosis health problems online.

April 12, 2023

Question: Americans consume 16 million of this each year, mostly around this time of year. What is it?

Answer: Jellybeans!

April 11, 2023

Question: The first one of these first appeared in the US in 1950. Now, most people have more than one. What is it?

Answer: Credit Card!

April 10, 2023

Question: 20 years ago, people did THIS an average of 3 times a day. Now? One or fewer. What is it?

Answer: Make a Phone Call!

April 7, 2023

Question: What are you NOT looking forward to with spring? 42% of people said this, what is it?

Answer: Mowing the lawn.

April 6, 2023

Question: The overall average cost of this activity is $86 per person and over $300 for a family of 4. What is it?

Answer: Attending an MLB Game!

April 5, 2023

Question: One in six people say they forget to do this daily?

Answer: Drink Water!

April 4, 2023

Question: 60% of women say they are willing to kiss a guy on the first date if he talks about this. What is it?

Answer: His Mother.

April 3, 2023

Question: 23% of people say they need to know this before getting involved in a relationship? What is it?

Answer: If the person can cook.

March 31, 2023

Question: If you have this occupation, you walk 4.5 miles a day. What is it?

Answer: Nurse.

March 30, 2023

Question: 10% of people say they’ve never cleaned THIS. What is it?

Answer: The Dishwasher!

March 29, 2023

Question: One in eleven married men will do this in the first three months after the wedding.

Answer: Lose or misplace their wedding ring.

March 28, 2023

Question: 12% of people say these do not need to go in the fridge.

Answer: Pickles.

March 27, 2023

Question: On average, we have 3 of these but probably only use 2. What is it?

Answer: Emails!

March 24, 2023

Question: In a survey asking about the common ways people have ruined their phones, 42% said they had done THIS. What is it?

Answer: Put it in the Washing Machine!

March 23, 2023

Question: New research shows that Wednesday is the best day of the week to do this?

Answer: Take the day off from work.

March 21, 2023

Question: The average person says they need three of these. What are they?

Answer: Pillows

March 20, 2023

Question: Most of us leave these for two days before doing something about it. What are they?


March 17, 2023

Question: Seven in ten people wish they knew more about this, so they could enjoy it more. What is it?

Answer: Wine!

March 15, 2023

Question: A survey shows that the average American adult hasn’t done this outdoor activity in more than nine years… What is it?

Answer: Ride a bicycle!

March 14, 2023

Question: According to a recent survey, 47% of adults lie to our doctor about this.

Answer: How Much They Actually Drink (Beer/Wine)

March 13, 2023

Question: 33% of us use this as part our passwords, what is it?

Answer: Our Pet’s Name.

March 10, 2023

Question: About 8% of people will never get one of these

Answer: A cold!?!

March 9, 2023

Question: If you have one of these, there’s a 70% chance you have more than one. What is it?

Answer: Tattoos!

March 8, 2023

Question: The average worker says this about 3 times a week.

Answer: “I need a vacation.”

March 7, 2023

Question: This is #1 “How To” search on the internet. What is it?

Answer: How To Tie a Tie.

March 6, 2023

Question: Research shows that doing this for two minutes is as good for your heart as a 20-minute jog. What is it?

Answer: Laughing!

March 3, 2023

Question: 37% of us say we have never used this function in their car.

Answer: Honk the Horn.

March 2, 2023

Question: The average American has five of these with them right now (4.8 to be precise).

Answer: Keys.

March 1, 2023

Question: Most adults feel they could go 5 hours without THIS. What is it?

Answer: Their Phone.

February 28, 2023

Question: The average person would travel up to 34 miles to get the perfect one of these. What is it?

Answer: Burger.

February 27, 2023

Question: The average person does this in 7 minutes.

Answer: Falls Asleep!

February 23, 2023

Question: 14% of dogs have chewed on and ruined these. What are they.

Answer: Eyeglasses / Sunglasses.

February 22, 2023

Question: 3,000 people a year have ended up in the ER after tripping over one of these. What is it?

Answer: A Laundry Basket!

February 21, 2023

Question: Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. The #1 thing we given up for Lent is chocolate. What’s #2?

Answer: Social Media!

February 17, 2023

Question: 18 percent of us have a favorite one of these. What is it?

Answer: Pen!

February 16, 2023

Question: 48% of Americans don’t know how to do this to their car.

Answer: Open the Hood.

February 15, 2023

Question: About 1% of Americans are afraid to touch this.

Answer: Money.

February 13, 2023

Question: About 42% of us do this before bed. What is it?

Answer: Turn on a Night Light.

February 10, 2023

Question: It’s a little surprising, but one our of three people would choose THIS as their last meal. What is it?

Answer: Fried Chicken!

February 9, 2023

Question: The average American eats more than 23 pounds of THIS a year. What is it?

Answer: Pizza.

February 8, 2023

Question: It IS legal to do THIS in Central Park. What is THIS?

Answer: Scatter Ashes.

February 7, 2023

Question: 81% of people surveyed said they considered this the most trustworthy profession. What is it?

Answer: Nurses.

February 3, 2023

Question: 53% of employees say their workspace doesn’t have this. What is it?

Answer: A Dress Code.

February 2, 2023

Question: 45% of people claim they’ve never lied about this. What is it?

Answer: Their age.

February 1, 2023

Question: According to a new survey, 35% of women say they do this on their drive to work. What is it?

Answer: Put on Makeup!

January 31, 2023

Question: The average one in America is 12 years, 3 months old.

Answer: a Car!

January 30, 2023

Question: 58% of us have forgotten this while shopping. What is it?

Answer: Where We Parked!

January 27, 2023

Question: Five out of six kids under the age 18 have never had to use one of these. What is it?

Answer: Postage Stamp.

January 26, 2023

Question: The average person will do this at work six or seven times each week. What is it?

Answer: Lie.

January 25, 2023

Question: One in eight women have had to teach their partner how to use this. What is it?

Answer: The Coffee Maker.

January 23, 2023

Question: Each week, the average man spends over 30 minutes more doing this than the average woman does. 

Answer: Eating!

January 20, 2023

Question: 24% of employers say this is the number one reason they didn’t hire someone. What is it?

Answer: Being late for the interview.

January 19, 2023

Question: Almost two-thirds of people say they rarely get to enjoy this. What is it?

Answer: Vacation.

January 18, 2023

Question: The invention over the past two hundred years we say we hate the most is this. What is it?

Answer: The Alarm clock

January 17, 2023

Question: The majority of us remember our first this, more than anything else. What is it?

Answer: Car!

January 16, 2023

Question: This is the number one item left behind in hotel rooms. What is it?

Answer: Phone/Tablet Charger.

January 13, 2023

Question: 65% of parents believe this to be true about their kids. What is it?

Answer: They’re Spoiled!

January 10, 2023

Question: If you’re an average American, you’ll spend about $975 this year on this. What is it?

Answer: Clothing!

January 9, 2023

Question: The average person will say this about five times today.

Answer: Thank You.

January 6, 2023

Question: Most people agree this is a priority and good action, but then they don’t do it. What is it?

Answer: Eat Breakfast!

January 5, 2023

Question:  This is the #1 diet breaking food for 2023.

Answer: Chinese Food!

January 4, 2023

Question: 27% of people said that this is the best thing you can do to get over a breakup. What is it?

Answer: Go Shopping!

January 3, 2023

Question: 40% of adults say they wish they could change THIS about themselves. What is it?

Answer: Their Height!

December 30, 2022

Question: Just 2% of cars sold last year have this once-common feature. What?

Answer: Manual Transmission.

December 29, 2022

Question: 1 out of 9 people have missed work because of this. What is it?

Answer: Their Pet.

December 28, 2022

Question: 40% of our yearly consumption of THIS food item occurs between November and January?

Answer: Nuts.

December 27, 2022

Question: According to a new survey, women are about 12% angrier than men while doing this daily activity. What is it?

Answer: Driving.

December 23, 2022

Question: 33% of people say they will do this by noon on Christmas Day. What is it?

Answer: Have a Alcoholic Beverage!

December 22, 2022

Question: 28% of people said they still do this with their Christmas tree. What is it?

Answer: Decorate with Tinsel!

December 21, 2022

Question: 12% of people have injured themselves doing this during the holidays. What is it?

Answer: Cooking!

December 20, 2022

Question: The average person buys 3 of these every holiday season. What is it?

Answer: Rolls of Wrapping Paper.

December 19, 2022

Question: A poll question asked, “What was the best thing to happen to you this year?” The most common answer was this. What is it?

Answer: Getting a New Job!

December 16, 2022

Question: 10% of us do this on Christmas Eve.

Answer: Put up the Christmas Tree.

December 15, 2022

Question:  Nearly 40% of Americans have not participated in this winter activity in more than 10 years and 9% have NEVER done it. What is it?

Answer: A Snowball Fight!

December 14, 2022

Question: 45% of us agree that THIS has been the most stressful event in their life. What is it? 

Answer: Moving!

December 13, 2022

Question: 74% of Americans eat this at least once a week? What is it?

Answer: Peanut Butter.

December 12, 2022

Question: 1/3 of men use this product to improve their appearance. What is it? 

Answer: Hair Spray.

December 9, 2022

Question: If you do this today at the office, you’ll do it for an average of six minutes. 

December: Cry.

December 8, 2022

Question: THIS product has a lifespan of 10 years, BUT 90% of them are rarely used after the first year.

Answer: Treadmill.

December 7, 2022

Question: One third of THESE will happen between now and January 1st. What are they?

Answer: Marriage Proposals.

December 6, 2022

Question: 45% of people did this in a store in the last week. What is it? 

Answer: Paid with Cash!

December 5, 2022

Question: Most of us have one of these, but about 3.5% of us have two. What is it?

Answer: Middle Name!

December 2, 2022

Question: 39% of people have never done this in their car.

Answer: Sat in the backseat.

December 1, 2022

Question: According to almost 40% of people, this thing keeps them from being productive at work.

Answer: Hunger or Eating

November 30, 2022

Question: Around 10% of us have a recipe for this, but we’re unwilling to share it. What is it?

Answer: Chili Recipe!

November 29, 2022

Question: A single person tends to do this twice as much compared to someone who is in a relationship. What is it?

Answer: Text!

November 28, 2022

Question: 28% of people say they should never have to tip here. Where is here?

Answer: Coffee/Donut Shop.

November 22, 2022

Question: The average person replaces this household item every 10 years. What is it?

Answer: A vacuum cleaner.

November 21, 2022

Question: The average family will buy a new a jar of this every 50 days. What is it?

Answer: Mustard.

November 18, 2022

Question: This is something about Thanksgiving the majority of people would NOT miss if it went away. What is it?

Answer: Dirty Dishes / Clean Up.

November 17, 2022

Question: Nearly 90% of us are planning on having this as part of our Thanksgiving dinner. What is it?

Answer: Mashed Potatoes!

November 16, 2022

Question: A study shows this food is eaten the most between 9pm and 11pm.

Answer: Ice Cream!

November 15, 2022

Question: In a recent poll, participants were asked to “Name the Greatest Combination of All Time.” This was the #1 answer. What was it?

Answer: Chocolate and Peanut Butter.

November 14, 2022

Question: 75% of all workers wish their employer would improve this in the workplace. What is it?

Answer: The Bathroom.

November 11, 2022

Question: 75% of women say they do THIS more during the holidays than any other time of the year.

Answer: Clean!

November 10, 2022

Question: According to a survey, THIS is the #1 goal that people set for themselves daily.

Answer: Drink More Water!

November 9, 2022

Question: Almost 60% of people agree that you should not do this before 8am. What is it?

Answer: Call Someone!

November 8, 2022

Question: According to a survey, this is the most disliked Thanksgiving food. What is it?

Answer: Cranberry Sauce!

November 7, 2022

Question: 13% of people say they have one of these in their house.

Answer: A Ghost!

November 4, 2022

Question: Only about 8% of us have insurance for this, what is it?

Answer: Cell Phone.

November 3, 2022

Question: The average person will try on eleven of these before making a purchase.

Answer: Glasses!

November 2, 2022

Question: This is the number one food we are allergic to. What is it?

Answer: Milk!

November 1, 2022

Question: 48% of us would eat this 3 times a week if we could. What is it?

Answer: Steak!

October 31, 2022

Question: If you have one of these, you’ll open it approximately 1,500 times this year.

Answer: Garage!

October 28, 2022

Question: For some reason, three of these items will disappear from your home each year. What are they?

Answer: Forks / Silverware.

October 27, 2022

Question: 72% of people  say they don’t do this until after 7pm. What is it?

Answer: Eat dinner.

October 14, 2022

Question: If we moved away, 18% of us say this is the person we’d miss the most.

Answer: Our Doctor.

October 13, 2022

Question: The most popular hobby since 2020 is this, what is it?

Answer: Cooking!

October 12, 2022

Question: 84% of people would not wear a used one of these.  What is it?

Answer: A Hat!

October 11, 2022

Question: Roughly 125,000 women will be treated for injuries this year caused by their ____.

Answer: High heels.

October 5, 2022

Question: 72% of drivers will do this this afternoon. What is it?

Answer: Tailgate!

October 4, 2022

Question: Almost 1/2 of all women agree that a man should never wear this to work….

Answer: Shorts.

October 3, 2022

Question: Kids and parents argue about this on average, twice a week. What is it?

Answer: Food.

September 30, 2022

Question: 32% of people say they never wash these.

Answer: Vegetables!

September 29, 2022

Question: If you have one of these, you’ll open it approximately 1,500 times this year.

Answer: A Garage.

September 28, 2022

Question: The majority of American men have never cleaned this! What is it?

Answer: Oven!

September 27, 2022

Question: 14% of drivers say this is the worst thing about their vehicle.

Answer: The Payment.

September 26, 2022

Question: About 25% of these never get used. What are they?

Answer: Credit Cards!

September 23, 2022

Question: If you add this to your diet, you’ll burn more calories. What is it?

Answer: Hot Sauce.

September 22, 2022

Question: 27% of people under 30 say cooking this is their biggest struggle in the kitchen. What is it?

Answer: Pasta!

September 21, 2022

Question: One in nine people love their job because their boss allows them to do this, what is it?

Answer: Come in Late

September 20, 2022

Question: One in seven adults say this would’ve been the best place to work as a teenager and they were jealous of their friends who did. Where is it?

Answer: Movie Theater.

September 19, 2022

Question: The average person gets about 18 of these every summer, what are they?

Answer: Mosquito Bites!

September 16, 2022

Question: 60% of us have this in our vehicle but don’t use it. What is it?

Answer: Cassette Player.

September 15, 2022

Question: Only about 20% of us get to do this on weekends.

Answer: Sleep in.

September 14, 2022

Question: Nearly three million Americans have a picture of a one of these on their phone. What is it?

Answer: A Rainbow!

September 13, 2022

Question: The #1 thing people judge about your home is the smell. What is #2?

Answer: Temperature.

September 12, 2022

Question: In a poll of expectant moms, this ranked as the most-craved food. What is it?

Answer: Nachos!

September 9, 2022

Question: A survey finds 90% of kids learn how to do this before the age of four, what is it?

Answer: Lie!

September 8, 2022

Question: This is the #1 cause of workplace accidents.

Answer: Falling!

September 7, 2022

Question: Experts say THIS is the “germiest job” what is it?

Answer: Teacher/Daycare.

September 6, 2022

Question: The average kid does this more than a hundred times a year. What is it?

Answer: Gets Injured.

September 2, 2022

Question: According to a new survey, this is the worst food to keep as leftovers?

Answer: Eggs.

September 1, 2022

Question: Beer is the #1 drink we order at a bar. What is #2?

Answer: Margarita!

August 31, 2022

Question: 83% of people have at least one of these. What are they?

Answer: A phobia.

August 30, 2022

Question: Nearly 70% of people say THIS makes their job better. What is it?

Answer: Music at the office

August 29, 2022

Question: You can expect to get 30 new ones of these this year. What are they?

Answer: Emojis

August 26, 2022

Question: Every day, around the world, humans eat about 2.5 billion of these…

Answer: Insects!

August 25, 2022

Question: On average, we eat 36% more calories than on a normal day while we are at this place. Where is it?

Answer: The Movie Theater!

August 24, 2022

Question: Nearly 1 in 4 people say this is vital when picking out a new car.

Answer: The Color!

August 23, 2022

Question: This seemingly innocent item in American homes will be responsible for about 280 deaths this year. What is it?

Answer: A Toaster!

August 22, 2022

Question: 21% of adults will lose one of these at least once this year. What is it?

Answer: Credit card.

August 19, 2022

Question: 8 out of 10 married people don’t trust their spouse to do this in the morning…

Answer: Wake them up!

August 18, 2022

Question: Six percent of people say they harshly judge hotel rooms that don’t have enough these. What are they?

Answer: Pillows.

August 17, 2022

Question: One in three people do not have a single one of these in their house.

Answer: a Plant!

August 16, 2022

Question: People in this position are statistically more likely than any other profession to get speeding tickets…

Answer: Doctors!

August 15, 2022

Question: 35% of American households have one of these in their yard. What is it?

Answer: A Garden!

August 12, 2022

Question: In a survey of children, this ranks as their #1 favorite food…

Answer: Spaghetti!

August 11, 2022

Question: 46% of people have admitted to flirting with someone here. Where is here?

Answer: The grocery store!

August 10, 2022

Question: The average woman has $250 worth of this that never gets used. What is it?

Answer: Jewelry!

August 9, 2022

Question: 35% of employees eat one of these at least once a day at work. What is it?

Answer: A candy bar!

August 8, 2022

Question: It’s considered one of the most universally liked foods, with almost 93% of people saying they love it.

Answer: Popcorn!

August 5, 2022

Question: 25% of people will miss this up to 3 times per week …

Answer: Breakfast.

August 4, 2022

Question: If you have a newborn baby, you’ll spend almost 1,700 hours in the next year doing this.

Answer:  Just holding it

August 3, 2022

Question: Seventeen percent of delivery drivers say they’ve done this at least once.

Answer: Opened then resealed a package.

August 2, 2022

Question: 40% of people admit they have cut vacation short because of THIS?

Answer: They wanted to beat the traffic!

August 1, 2022

Question: A new poll asked people which breakfast foods are the most overrated. Avocado toast came in at #1. What came in at #3?

Answer: Bacon!

July 29, 2022

Question: A survey found that the average person would be willing to drive a little over 30 miles in order to get the perfect this. What is it?

Answer: A Burger!

July 28, 2022

Question: 49% of singles judge a potential partner on this, because if they don’t like it, they won’t date them. What is it?

Answer: Their voice!

July 27, 2022

Question: According to a survey, the average person learned how to do this at age 8?

Answer: Swim!

July 26, 2022

Question: 46% of singles want to know this about someone before going on a date with them. What is it?

Answer: Their astrological sign!

July 25, 2022

Question: 38% of mothers say this is the thing they look least forward to at the end of the day. What is it?

Answer: Doing dishes.

July 22, 2022

Question: If you’re average, you have 3 of these, but probably only use 2 of them?

Answer: Email addresses!

July 21, 2022

Question: According to a new survey, 16% of people said they only do THIS when it is hot outside?

Answer: Eat Ice Cream!

July 20, 2022

Question: According to a new survey, 33% of us really enjoy eating these, but we don’t want to admit to it… What is it?

Answer: Hot Dogs!

July 19, 2022

Question: Nearly six in ten Americans say they never check the expiration date on this, what is it?

Answer: Their Prescriptions or Medicine

July 18, 2022

Question: Almost 4.5% of Americans over the age of 85 still have this, what is it?

Answer: A job!

July 15, 2022

Question: According to a new survey, 36% of us order this out because we almost never make it at home. What is it?

Answer: Salad!

July 14, 2022

Question: THIS happens more often on Tuesdays than any other day of the week. What is it?

Answer: Being late for work!

July 13, 2022

Question: 20% of grandparents admit this is the only thing they dislike about their kids. What is it?

Answer: Their name.

July 12, 2022

Question: If you are average, you will have 155 of these in your lifetime…?

Answer: Toothbrushes!

July 11, 2022

Question: One out of ten people admit to eating this for breakfast. What is it?

Answer: Ice Cream!

July 8, 2022

Question: Over 50% of adults in America prefer this flavor to any other flavors. What is it?

Answer: Chocolate!

July 7, 2022

Question: Only 10% of 5-year-olds can do THIS?

Answer: Tie their shoes!

July 1, 2022

Question: According to a new poll, 40% of Americans say they have this on display every day. What is it?

Answer: An American flag!

June 30, 2022

Question: A new poll found that 3% of people haven’t used one of these in the past year.

Answer: A pen or pencil!

June 29, 2022

Question: Just over 40% of people say they will consume this product even past its expiration date. What is it?

Answer: Ketchup!

June 28, 2022

Question: Over half of us who have one of these in our car say we almost never use it. What is it?

Answer: A Sunroof!

June 27, 2022

Question: 1 out of every 6 men say they need permission from their partner to do this activity, what is it?

Answer: Go Grocery Shopping.

June 24, 2022

Question: What was the first thing ever cooked in a microwave?

Answer: Popcorn!

June 23, 2022

Question: A new study says the average American now spends 26 minutes a day doing this. What is it?

Answer: Texting!

June 22, 2022

Question: A little more than 1/2 of all American men will post a selfie this summer of them doing this.

Answer: Grilling!

June 21, 2022

Question: For some reason, this item is given as a gift more often than it is purchased for ourselves. What is it?

Answer: A Blender!

June 20, 2022

Question: According to a new survey, 83% of people have at least one of these.

Answer: A phobia!

June 17, 2022

Question: Pharmacists say THIS is the #1 question that they are asked.

Answer: “Can I drink alcohol with this medication?”

June 16, 2022

Question: You will probably lose a little over 750 of these in your lifetime. What is it?

Answer: Socks!

June 15, 2022

Question: About 9.7 million of these will be removed in America this year.

Answer: Wisdom teeth.

June 14, 2022

Question: What do 33% of people buy from the grocery store once a week?

Answer: A frozen dinner.

June 13, 2022

Question: According to a new survey, more money is spent on this hobby than any other. What is it?

Answer: Gardening!

June 10, 2022

Question: A survey found this to be the most annoying sound in the workplace.

Answer: Sniffling noses.

June 9, 2022

Question: In a new poll asking people what their top ten favorite ”guilty pleasure foods” were, pizza was #1. What came in at #5?

Answer: Fried Chicken.

June 8, 2022

Question: 1 in 4 families argue about this household chore, what is it?

Answer: Mowing the lawn.

June 7, 2022

Question: According to a new survey, what do 34% of us say is unacceptable to wear to the gym?

Answer: Jewelry.

June 6, 2022

Question: It’s estimated that nearly 70% of retail items in stores have this in common. What is it?

Answer: The price ends in 9.

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