As summer hangs on with a vengeance, the pages of the calendar are turning nonetheless. We slowly approach autumn, albeit in shorts and tank tops still, but the pumpkin spice has hit every menu. Halloween, Thanksgiving and the holidays will be here before we know it. Beyond the costumes and feasts, this is also the time of year where Easy 99.1 calls on our loyal listeners and advertising partners to join us in doing good across the South Shore.
In September, we feature, support and encourage our community to get involved with the annual Alzheimer’s Walk.
October we assemble once again for the Pink Pumpkin min-golf tournament at Prisco’s in Bridgewater. This is our second annual event at Prisco’s where all monies raised are directly ear-marked for patients receiving treatment for breast cancer at the Dana Farber Cancer care Center at South Shore Health. The fund supports patients financially who are facing financial hardship due to their diagnosis.
In November, we kick off our Food Drives in partnership with Auto Shine Auto Body and Colony Place. Both sponsors are hosting food drives on the weekends in November, where listeners can donate non-perishables directly the South Shore Community Action Center’s Food Pantries. The SSCAC provides food to multiple pantries and residents facing food insecurity across the South Shore.
November also hosts the biggest giving day of the year. Giving Tuesday is the Tuesday after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This year, it falls on November 28th. Easy 99.1, along with our community partners will be highlighting the organizations that make a difference everyday in our community. Arc of the South Shore, Gnome Surf, South Shore Health, Autism Speaks, the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross, just to name a few. The pressure to spend money during the holidays can create a diversion, causing us to lose site of the things that matter and stay with us, long after the festival of lights and Christmas gatherings have ended. Kindness matters. Join Easy 99.1, Reader’s Hardwood Supply, Fisher’s Pub, Battles BUICK, GMC, Nissan, Tiny & Son’s, Fat Burn America and Mario’s Quality Roofing Siding & Windows. Help us Do Good, Feel GOOD!